"NextClip" Privacy Policy

> a Terms of Use

Scope of This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all services related to "NextClip" (hereinafter referred to as "this application") (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). Individual agreement is also applied when stipulating the handling of user information individually in the privacy policy or the terms of service etc. by each service (hereinafter referred to as "individual contract"). If there is inconsistency in this Privacy Policy and Individual Terms, the individual terms will take precedence.
Please note that collection of user information by other business entities described in "About installation of other company's module" etc. is not within the scope of this Privacy Policy.

User information to be acquired and usage method

This application will acquire and use user information as follows in this service.

Information to be provided

When you use this service, we may ask you to provide the following information. Although offering is optional for customers, if you can not provide, we may not be able to use this service or part of this service.
In case

-Contact Us
E-mail address, terminal model name, OS information etc. are acquired. We will use these information to investigate, respond to your inquiries, and verify your identity.

Service usage information

- Cookie
In order to measure the effectiveness of advertisements and to provide more interested guidance for security, such as maintaining and protecting sessions, etc. in order to improve customer convenience such as preservation of user's setting contents, We will use cookies to provide better service by grasping the number of visits and usage forms for customers and the scale of customers. In addition, we may use third party Analytics for this service. If you refuse to save cookies, you may not be able to use part of this service, such as services that require login.

-access log
When you use this service, information such as IP address, browser type, browser language, etc. is automatically generated and saved. In addition, these information are used to analyze the user environment, to provide better service, and to prevent fraudulent acts that interfere with normal service provision.

- Information on service usage
In this service, we may automatically acquire information on the usage status that you made through this service in order to serve customers. For example, you can send and post information such as text, images, movies (hereinafter referred to as "contents") for communication with other users, It is transmitted via the server, and at this time, the partner, the data format, the operation date and time etc of the content are temporarily recorded on the server. In addition, recorded contents may include URL information etc. accessed by tap · click on this service.

In addition, concerning the contents etc. of non-public contents exchanged among customers among these information, this application will not be browsed / used unless there is consent of the customer etc.

-Equipment information
We may acquire device information (OS, terminal identification information, computer name, advertisement ID, language setting etc) used by customers. In addition, we may correlate the acquired advertisement ID with the internal identifier given by this application to the customer. These information will be used for better service provision and to prevent fraudulent acts that disturb the identity verification and normal service provision.

- Information on the use of services managed by third parties
This application may receive user information from a third party in order to provide optimal service to customers. Upon receipt, there are cases where user information is received from a partner company that manages its own service, and user information is received from a partner company that operates a service in cooperation with this service. Also, when you use a service in cooperation with a third party, this application will automatically issue the user identifier of the customer and the internal identifier for linking the service and share it with the third party You may.

Purpose of using user information

This application uses the acquired user information for the following purposes. In addition, we will only use it within that range if we limit usage purpose at the time of acquisition.

· To provide, improve and develop this application service
· In order to make it possible for customers to use this service smoothly
· In order to register or recommend as a friend, looking for another user who you know acquaintance or possibly know
· To create statistical data on the application service use and to improve it
· To respond to customer inquiries
· To conduct a questionnaire about this presently provided service or this application service which is considering to provide in the future
· To plan and provide new planning concerning future application services
· For lottery of campaign etc. and for prizes and goods shipping
· Because of request processing at the time of product purchase and pay service usage etc.
· Other important notices concerning this application service, etc. to contact as necessary
· To prevent security and unauthorized use of this application service
· To prevent unauthorized use, such as spam actions and unauthorized access
· In case of fraudulent use etc. to verify or contact the person
· Personalize, for ad delivery
· In order to notify information on this application service and group company etc. or advertisement information etc. as an advertiser by businesses other than this application
· To provide this customized application service for individual users

Third party provision of user information

This application will not provide user information to third parties without customer's consent, except as permitted by law. However, except in the following cases.

- When providing the minimum necessary information for user identification by the affiliated business operator, such as when the customer uses a service in cooperation with a third party

In this case, this application will provide only necessary minimum information (internal identifier, part of equipment information (advertisement ID · language setting etc.), attribute information) to third parties. In addition, the destination may include foreign corporations.

Outsourcing user information

This application may delegate all or part of the user information acquired from the customer to the subcontractor (including a consignee in a foreign country) within the range necessary for achieving the purpose of use. In doing so, we will thoroughly examine the qualifications as outsourcing partners, create matters concerning confidentiality obligations in the contract, and create a system to properly manage information.

Shared use of user information

This application will share user information with this application group company (subsidiary company or affiliated company, including subsidiaries and affiliates in foreign countries) to the extent necessary for achieving purpose of use.

· The shared user information is the same as the item described in "User information to be acquired and usage" above.
· The purpose of the shared use is the same as the purpose described in "Purpose of use of user information" above (provided, however, that "this application" is referred to as "this application group" and , "This service" shall be read as "service provided by this application group").
· The administrator in common use will be this application. For inquiries, please contact us from the inquiry form.

About installation of other company's module

In order to measure the effect of advertisement insertion for the purpose of paying the advertisement agent's expenses posted on another company's medium, this application is to add another company's module to the smartphone application of this service We may install it. Details of the installation target application etc.


This application is working to deliver the best advertisement that meets the needs of individual customers.

Disclosure of personal information

When you are requested from the customer to disclose personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, this application will not disclose the customer without delay to the customer after confirming that it is a request from the customer himself / herself (We will notify you when the relevant personal information does not exist.) However, unless you are obliged to disclose this application under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations, this is not the case.

Stopping the use of personal information

This application is designed to protect customers 'personal information from reasons that customers' personal information has been handled beyond the scope of the previously published purpose of use or because it was acquired by falsely other illegal means In the event that you are requested to suspend or eliminate its use (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc.") based on the provisions of the law, if it is found that there is a reason for the request, the customer After confirming that it is a request, we will suspend the use of personal information without delay and notify the customer to that effect. However, this is not the case unless the application is obliged to suspend the use, etc. by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

Special Note about Children

The Service is intended for a general audience and is not directed at or intended to be used by minors under the age of 13 (“Children”).

We understand the special necessity to protect Children's online privacy, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from Children.

If, however, you believe we have collected any personal information from Children, then please let us know via the Contact Form.
If we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from Children, we will take reasonable measures to promptly delete such personal information from our records.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may modify our Privacy Policy from time to time for various reasons including to improve our privacy practices, to reflect changes to our Service, and to comply with relevant laws.

Date: October 10, 2019

© 2019 NextClip